''A girls best friend...''

...ist doch eine gute alte Freundin :)
Die Isabelle, ein Mädchen das einfach vielseitig toll ist. : )
Sind schon durch vieles zusammen gegangen, durch dick und dünn, durch Burger King Filialen, zwei Grundschulklassen, vier Oberschulklassen, tolle Konzerte, diverse andere Scheiße :D ( Kornflakes mit Salz u.v.m xD), ...
Es ist doof dass ich jetzt ein Jahr ohne sie verbringe, aber umsomehr freut man sich dann auf das Wiedersehen. :))

Dop och Dopp

( Dop = , Dopp =
Har varit i Göteborg och i Örn nu pa helgen. Det var helt underbart. Jag blev gudmor! Gunilla kom o hämtade mig pa flygplatsen och vidare gick det till hennes och Niches vaning. Vi gick och hämtade Emil och Elin pa dagis, lite blyga va dom, men när dom sag filmerna jag tog med sa gick det bättre. : ) Det tog en timma att komma till Örn, där Maria och Enar väntade och hälsade pa oss, jättekul!! Sen fick vi dom ääälskade självgjorda köttbullarna av Maria.
Enar somnade med Erik pa magen i soffan senare pa kvällen.

                               PICTURES COMING SOON!!!

I want to be a ''Pepparkaka''....!

Host Family!

I got a host family in South Dakota!!!! They even wrote me mails and sent me two pictures, can't wait to talk to them on Msn!
They have 11 children, 3 of them are still living at home and are 14, 12 and 10 years old ( 3 girls).

Sick sick sick

Have been sick now for about a week and it's not getting better. Should have had a girlfriend coming over with some school work, but she didn't come.

I was also planing to go to the '' Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften'' (long night of science) with my best friend, her boyfriend and an other friend wich is tonight. But I'm sick. I really was seeing forward for this event. Yep, this is it. Another great day...Going back to sleep now. Good night.


  An old car in the middle of a Field
It seams it's life is well Sealed
That car looks beautiful in it's own Way
Maybe someone will fix it up, and drive it Away...
-- David Darbyshire

Welcome to my new blogg! Thought this picture was a nice introduction for my new blogg, isn't it? Couldn't really decide if I should write in German or in English. So you can see I decided to write in English, which is quite more complicated but all of my friends should be able to understand. The reason why I started this was that I'm having a student exchange year witch starts this summer and with this blogg firends can see what I'm doing over there. So I hope you'll enjoy it! :)

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